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CCRDU at Round 2 of Newcastle Home Team Matches


Pictured left to right: Vixen, Betty, Kel, Wolfie and Makita

Last night five of Central Coast Roller Derby United's members played in NRDL's home team bout (round 2). This was the Bogeys vs Hellcats. They all did a really amazing job. Wolfie, who normally plays for the Fort Smashleys, went along as a spectator last night but when the Bogey's team was short a player she donned a uniform and her skates and stepped in like a true champion sports woman. What a legend!

There's still a few more NRDL home games to be played this year, so make sure you come along and watch some amazing roller derby and check out the talented ladies of CCRDU.

We couldn't be prouder of how everyone played last night.



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